Today I am excited to share easy tips on how to build a thanksgiving tablescape on a budget. I created mine for less than $10.00!

I love challenging myself to create holiday tablescapes for $10.00 or less. It encourages me to get creative and I don’t have to feel guilty about spending a lot of money. Instead, I get to focus on whats really important, time with family and friends.

While building a tablescape on a budget, use these 3 simple tricks:
- Start with a neutral backdrop. I like to use white or glass dishes, light colored tablecloths, and napkins with subtle colors and patterns. This allows you to reuse them every holiday and you only need to add a few festive pieces for the holiday. Here’s a tip if you don’t have any tablecloths. Check your local thrift stores, they’re loaded!
- Use edible items in place of decor. I love adding a treat of some kind to my plates. In this case I made individual bread loaves for each guest to enjoy. Wrapping them in parchment with a small sprig of rosemary made them feel special and even adds a wonderful scent to the table. Best of all I didn’t spend any money because I had all ingredients at home.
- Incorporate natural elements for a centerpiece. For this Thanksgiving table I used pumpkins from my garden as well as dried hydrangeas and sage brush branches. Natural elements bring beautiful colors scents and texture and they don’t cost a dime!

I was in the grocery store and saw these small bottles of sparkling apple juice. They were $1 each and I thought they added such a cute touch to the table as well as a beautiful pop of color.

It was so much fun creating this Thanksgiving-themed table. I spent a total of $8. I hope you feel inspired to create a holiday table for your home!
If you’d like yo check out the Halloween tablescape I created for my kids for less than $10.00, check it out here!