It’s autumn at the farmhouse, and as per usual I am adding as many natural elements into my decor as possible. The colors around our town are rich and beautiful! Bright yellows and reds around every turn. I am enjoying fresh apples from my Grandfather’s tree, and harvesting pumpkins from our garden. Best of all, these lovely ornaments didn’t cost me a dime. Now that’s my kind of decorating!

What is your favorite thing about fall?
I always get so excited for the cooler weather, the colors of changing leaves, harvesting and storing veggies from the garden that we have cared for all summer, and of course the spirit of the soon-to-come holiday season.

This year we grew a variety of beautiful jarrahdale pumpkins, and a lot of little white baby boo’s. They’re my favorite! I love decorating with these pale green beauties!

I’ve just finished using up the rest of my apples for applesauce. Canning season is so rewarding for me. It’s a lot of work, especially with lot’s of little hands trying to help, but it’s always so worth it!
This year, even Mr. Bones wanted to join in… haha! I made a joke to my kids that this was me, waiting for the end of canning season. Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming!

I hope you’re enjoying autumn, wherever you live, and finding a moment to stop and appreciate the beauty all around! God is so good to us.
And don’t forget, you can always enjoy unique, affordable decorating for the seasons when you incorporate natural elements that can be found all around you!