In this post I am sharing 5 ways to make Monday count, and ideas that will help you feel more productive, organized and HAPPY at the beginning of a new week!

Want to hear a secret? I used to HATE Mondays! Honestly I disliked them so much I would start to get what I called “the Monday blues” on Sunday afternoon. I would dwell on all of the tasks a new week would bring. Overwhelm and anxiety set in quickly so I couldn’t even finish my weekend rest.
Does this sound familiar? If so, let me share the little journey of changes I’ve made to stop this habit. I have a new perspective on how I view a fresh new start to the week. Here are 5 ways to make Monday count!

5 Ways To Make Monday Count: #1. Use a planner consistantly
One of the biggest changes that I made that has helped my overwhelmed mind is to consistently plan out my whole week in a planner. I am a paper and pen kind of gal (I love to cross things off!), so I do not use my phone to send reminders or take note of appointments or special dates. I purchased a nice sized planner that I can fill out every Sunday afternoon (around the time my old anxiety about Monday would hit). This routine has worked wonders for me!
Let me share a list of what goes into my paper planner each Sunday for the start of a new week:
- Write down schedules that include my kids’ school drop off and pick up, any appointments they might have, sports or activities, or any events or performances.
- A goal to cook dinner each night of the week (except for Fridays, we have family game night and take-out). I plan a meal for each of the 6 evenings I want to cook at home. Off to the side of the planner I have room to make a list of the groceries I need to pick up. I have no excuses not to cook, as I know I will have all ingredients on hand, and even better, a plan for what I will make!
- I write down due dates for any bills or payments that need made. This helps so much with making sure I never accrue a late fee or have to lay in bed worrying that I have forgotten something.
- I check for special dates so I don’t have to worry about missing someone’s birthday or a special event. If I see that a birthday is coming up, I make myself a note on an earlier day to pick up a card or gift. This helps me not feel rushed at the last-second!
- I set a goal, or make a list of to-do’s. This includes special work to-do’s with due dates, or just things that I want to accomplish around the house. I write down specific tasks on specific days so that I can split things up and give myself a better chance at success with getting them done!
- Each day of the week I focus just on the tasks of that day, instead of the entire week. This helps me not get overwhelmed, and instead I am able to compartmentalize my week into daily task lists that I CAN accomplish AND finish! If you are a busy mom, being able to finish a task list is HUGE and brings such joy.
- The biggest plus to writing down EVERYTHING in my planner? It gets everything I need to do OUT OF MY HEAD! The minute I started consistently planning my weeks out day by day with all tasks, I started sleeping better at night. Why? Because instead of stressing about things while laying in bed, I feel reassured it’s all written down. If you are the type who things of to-do’s at night, keep your planner on your night table for quick note making so you can get it out of your head.
To plan or not to plan
I know what your wondering… Emily, what if you lose your planner!? It’s a valid concern! My planner is indeed, my brain haha. I have to say though, despite hauling it around with me in my car or around the house each day, I have never lost it or had any problems with not checking it to make sure I don’t miss something. It’s just become a routine that works so well for me. If you feel overwhelmed and desire to accomplish more during the day, to stay focused and to be able to fall asleep easier at night, definitely give this routine a try!
Here is the planner I am currently using, it was only $10 and I love the size and layout of it!
If you’re looking to invest in a really quality and nice planner, I have also used this Tidbits planner and I adore it!
5 Ways To Make Monday Count: #2. Start a load of laundry or dishes first thing

It sounds silly and simple, but starting a load of laundry first thing on a Monday just seems to help get me off to the right start! Its a super fast way to feel like you’ve accomplished a task before the day really even gets going. Good for you!
I have also noticed that the Monday’s that I start a load early, I am more likely to get more than one load done. Usually I even catch up on washing what I got really behind on over the weekend!
Don’t have any laundry? How about starting the dishwasher and catching up on weekend dishes, or even scrubbing one bathroom. Any of these tasks instantly make me feel like I am starting my Monday off right.
5 Ways To Make Monday Count: #3. Get up and get ready first thing
THIS IS HUGE! Hear me out. I have experimented with this theory many times. On mornings that I wake up and get showered and ready, I am so much more productive. Why? The honest and simple answer is this: When I feel put together, I feel better and I have more energy. I am more likely to accomplish my entire list for the day. I feel happier and more confident.
On the days when it takes me until afternoon to get ready, I feel more tired, I do not want to run errands or be out and about. Once in a while I do take days like this and I just plan to deep clean. Overall, I really do enjoy making an effort to rise and SHINE by getting up and getting ready first thing. It is not always convenient, but it pays of EVERY time. Try it!
5 Ways To Make Monday Count: #4. Make a moment for you

OOof. This is a tough one. I mean, sometimes it feels impossible to make a moment just for me. I know a lot of people who make going to the gym a priority, or meditation, or time to be creative, or time to sit and binge a favorite show.
While many days I feel like every moment is planned out and someone always needs me, I know it won’t always be that way. There is a season for all things, and right now I am elbow deep in motherhood and serving a family who needs my time and attention all day! I will say, if and when I can even make just a few moments for me, I am definitely happier. Everyone deserves a break.
No time? Here are some easy and quick mental rest ideas
- Take a 20 minute hot bath. Ideally it would be longer, but if that’s all the time you can spare, even 20 minutes does help!
- Go outside and look up at the sky. Name 5 things you are thankful for out loud. I love to also pray and thank God for a few things I am so thankful for. This takes a total of 5 moments of your time, but will give you a big boost of joy.
- Text someone you care about and tell them how much you love them, or reach out to someone and let them know you are grateful for what they do for you. Instant boost.
- Do a random act of kindness for a stranger. Want an amazing high that will last all day? Wait until you see the smile on a stranger’s face when you serve them. Kindness is disappearing in our world, show them there is still some GOOD!
- Watch an episode or two of your favorite brain drain TV while folding laundry. This is a favorite for me to be able to shut my mind off but still feel like I am accomplishing a task. These days I actually get excited when I have a bunch of laundry to fold. HA! It’s true!
- Make a hot drink (I love peach tea!) and sit for a few minutes without any noise and slowly sip it. This is a great moment to slow down and force yourself to clear your mind in the quiet.
Find what works for you
Many people love to work out, go for a walk, read a book, garden, paint or be creative in some way, organize, clean, go shopping, decorate or do whatever makes you feel really happy. I encourage you to make time for you, however that looks right now.
5 Ways To Make Monday Count: #5. Plan your dinners for the week

I know I talked about meal planning earlier, but this topic definitely deserves it’s own section. Each week on Instagram I share my weekly dinner menu and I always get asked “Do you really try to cook dinner 6 nights a week?” My answer is a loud YES!
While cooking a lot at home makes for a lot of dishes, I find that it saves us so much money. We are a family of 5 and have an (almost) teenage son who eats as much as an adult already. Eating out is very expensive for us, even if it’s just fast food. While inflation has also caused meat and groceries to sky-rocket, I still find I am able to make such a nice dinner for my family for pennies in comparison to eating out.
Aside from making my family a yummy dinner each night, I love that the one time during the day that we are all gathered together is around the table. I love that gathering encourages discussion about our day and it helps bond us with our kids. It gives us so many opportunities to teach and discuss anything under the sun that the kids ask about.
I have found that when I have a plan in place knowing what I am making, I actually look forward to making dinner because I can prep and get things ready to go (and make it easy and quick for myself) when it’s dinner time instead of feeling panic and dread!
Have you tried grocery pick up or delivery yet? I personally use and love the Walmart grocery membership so I can quickly and easily order my groceries through the Walmart app and pick them up or have them delivered. I will never go back to having to grocery shop in store again. It saves so much time and money. I wrote a whole blog post about it here!

In case you missed it, I also have a really detailed blog post about lunch meal prep and snack meal prep! These are important parts of our routine as well.

Need a super easy and fast meal idea? I just wrote about one of my very favorite ways we are eating our veggies these days! Check out this recipe!

Thank you for stopping by today, I hope this post gives you some ideas for how to make the most out of the start to your new week. I love this special community and how we support each other and share ideas.
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